literacy and more

Imagine not being able to fill out a job application, read street signs, or read a simple story to your children. That is a sad reality for a large number of people in the US and around the world. One of my deeply held beliefs is that if a person can read, anything is possible for them. They are equipped with the tools and potential to make change for themselves, and the rest is attitude.

Libraries make the world accessible to everyone. Books, movies, computer access, classes, everything is yours for free as long as you return it on time!! I started my first email account on a library computer because I did not have one of my own for a very long time.

I became a Literacy Volunteer way back when, in Rochester, NY, and I found it one of the most rewarding experiences ever. Soon after moving to Asheville I got back into tutoring again.

Worthy work in the world – give a little or a lot:
American Forests
Equal Justice Initiative
Literacy Together, Asheville, NC
(or your local literacy organization)
Peace Literacy Institute

Read more:
Facts About Literacy in America

Literacy Partners

Graphic facts:




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