Tag Archives: drummer

Allison Miller @ The Falcon

If I had my dream, all-girl band, Allison Miller would be the drummer, hands down!!! Good lord, the girl has mad skills, wicked feel and immaculate taste. So happy to have caught her show at The Falcon in Marlboro tonight. She had Todd Sickafoose on bass (check out Tiny Resistors, great stuff!!), Myra Melford on piano, Kirk Knuffke on cornet, and guest Rachel Friedman sang one song.

It was a generous set, we got there about 8pm and saw about an hour and a half, I think they started at 7pm. The ensemble was tight, even on newer songs. Both Allison and Todd have played with Ani DiFranco, so their interplay was fun to see. The music ran the gamut from straight ahead jazz to lullabies, ballads, and avant garde, with the alternating intensity of a roller coaster ride, those quiet moments that come just before you get swooped down and thrown around the bend. With every new song you just wanted to hop back on and see where the ride is going to take you next and what surprises await you.

I bet the biggest compliment Allison gets, after her playing of course, is on her smile. Truly infectious and beautiful. I would lay my money down again any day to see her play anywhere, with anyone. And if you know me, that’s a big compliment!!
